Rapper Gunplay Arrested for Child Abuse, Wife Says She's Divorcing Hi

MMG rapper Gunplay landed in jail after his wife told cops he pressed a rifle against her chest and threatened her. According to docs, obtained by TMZ Hip Hop, cops in Miami arrested the longtime Rick Ross associate on charges of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, false imprisonment, and child abuse. His wife, Vonshae

Gunplay's mug shot Miami-Dade Corrections and Rehabilitation Department

MMG rapper Gunplay landed in jail after his wife told cops he pressed a rifle against her chest and threatened her.

According to docs, obtained by TMZ Hip Hop, cops in Miami arrested the longtime Rick Ross associate on charges of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, false imprisonment, and child abuse. His wife, Vonshae Taylor-Morales, claims he pointed an AK-47 at her while she was carrying their 6-month-old daughter.

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