Naked Attraction viewers call for show's axe after most X-rated moments horrify fans

NAKED Attraction might have been on air for five years - but its round-up of most X-rated moments has tipped some viewers over the edge. The series is currently airing eye-popping compilations of some of its extreme and shocking scenes.

NAKED Attraction might have been on air for five years - but its round-up of most X-rated moments has tipped some viewers over the edge.

The series is currently airing eye-popping compilations of some of its extreme and shocking scenes.

They include men tinkering with some of the most intimate piercings imaginable - and boasting about their oral sex skills.

Other moments show a woman licking cream off a potential partner and a couple humping in a budget hotel.

One girl was seen looking at one bloke's body saying approvingly: "Nice bit of girth on that penis."

It all led one viewer to remark: "Why on earth is Naked Attraction a thing? Honestly I'm sex positive but someone needs to cancel this s***."

Another wrote: "These Naked shows and the like should be taken off air.."

A third boggled: "Still cannot believe #NakedAttraction got commissioned! 😂."

The show, one of Channel 4's most high-profile programmes, sees contestants picking partners based on their naked bodies.

In a twist on the dating genre, screens reveal the person from the feet up, meaning pickers their privates before their faces.

Last night's episode turned to some of the show's success stories - where relationships were formed.

Host Anna Richardson, 50, explained: "Everyone knows here at Naked Attraction we don't like beating around the bush.

"We've been stripping back the clothes and the filters for a good few years now.

"We kick off every date where it normally ends - if you're lucky... naked.

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"We've had some seriously kaw-droppeding moments so we thought it was time we romped through our X-rated archives and celebrated our very best naughty bits.

"Tonight is all about the times the pickers got it spot-on. Yes, these are the success stories that led to to relationships and even dry-humping."

Viewers were then shown the love stories of couples including Monica and Leon, who hit it off on the show and even dated in real life - but it didn't last.

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